About Direct Booking
+4 031 9641Monday - Friday 9 - 18

About Direct Booking

Direct Booking is a travel agency with more than 14 years of experience.

We offer a full range of travel packages with transportation (charter planes, bus) or without. At Direct Booking you can find the best and diverse offers for destinations as Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Coratia, Montenegro, Spain and Italy.

The Direct Booking team is a professional and dedicated teeam, always at your service to pick the best holiday.

We thank the 230000 tourists that traveled with Direct Booking in 2023.

In this page you cand find the impressions left by our customers about Direct Booking team and about the hotels and destinations where they spent their vacation. (Customer reviews page).

Direct Booking licenses

Travel license open
Travel certificate open
Insurance policy open

Traveler reviews about Direct Booking (66789 reviews)
9.33 out of 10 for agency services
9.32 out of 10 for directbooking.ro agents

Oana 02/25/2025

Foarte bine
Impression about the travel agent (Georgescu): Foarte bine

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Cristina 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Titanic Royal , Hurghada

Costel 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for King Tut Aqua Park Beach Resort, Hurghada

Cristina 02/25/2025

Servicii ireprosabile.
Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): Foarte buna comunicarea.

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for BACOLUX DIANA RESORT, Baile Herculane

Luci 02/25/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Ana Maria): 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Grand Washington Hotel, Istanbul

Ramona 02/25/2025

Mi-as dori sa rezervam la preturile afisate. am facut o rezervare cu 1000e iar confirmarea mi-a venit pentru 1300 pentru ca acea oferta nu era de actualitate. Pana atunci, rezervarea se confirma la aceeasi valoare... actualizarea ofertelor este foarte importanta. Rezerv de cativa ani prin Directbooking si intotdeauna rezervarile se confirmau asa cum erau afisate pe site....in ultima perioada mai multe oferte nu se confirma sau se confirma cu alt pret mai mare. am inteles ca ofertele sunt dinamice dar cred ca neactualizarea lor in timp real scade increderea oamenilor in site.

Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Three Corners Fayrouz Plaza Resort, Marsa Alam

Doina?-Costin 02/25/2025

Servicii prompte,de calitate
Impression about the travel agent (Marina Catalina): a reușit să ne ajute să facem rapid rezervarea dorită,cu o zi inainte de inceperea sejurului

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Green Wood Hotel and SPA, Bansko

Violeta 02/25/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Madalina): Promptitudine, receptivitate

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Dream Apartments, Bansko

Mihaela 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel MPM Guinness, Bansko

Georgeta 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Stil N Hotel, Bucharest

Dorel 02/25/2025

Pot sa spun ca in ultimii ani am facut cateva rezervari prin Direct Booking si intotdeauna am avut placera de a fi ajutat in orice situatie atat prin email cat si telefonic daca a fost cazul.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Catalin 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Lavinia 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Termal, Baile Felix

Oancea 02/25/2025

Foarte mulțumită de serviciile agenției.

Florentin 02/25/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Camelia): Foarte mulțumit!

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Hotel Tisa, Baile Olanesti

Sorin 02/25/2025

Foarte mulțumit de serviciile Direct Booking,rapiditate,transparenta,preturi bune in comparație cu alte agenții.
Impression about the travel agent (Adrian Marius): agentul a fost foarte prompt,mi-a răspuns imediat la toate intrebările,am făcut rezervarea imediat.Recomand!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Orizont, Predeal

Albu 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Nufarul, Baile Felix

OFELIA 02/25/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): ok

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Vila Camelia, Sinaia

Catalina 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqvatonic Balneo Spa Steaua de Mare, Eforie Nord

Murgilas 02/25/2025


TOADER 02/25/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Maria): BUN

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Tusnad, Baile Tusnad

floricel 02/25/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Casa Karina, Bansko

viorel 02/25/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Casa Karina, Bansko

Matei 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Ursina Ensana Health Spa Hotel , Sovata

mihalache 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh Hotel, Sahl Hasheesh

Ana 02/25/2025

Website: 7, Agent: 7
Booking for Atrium Panoramic Hotel and Spa , Predeal

Dana 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Alpin Resort Hotel, Poiana Brasov

Nina 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel IZVOARE, Calimanesti Caciulata

Ileana 02/25/2025

Sunt client fidel.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for BACOLUX DIANA RESORT, Baile Herculane

Laura 02/25/2025

Foarte promti
Impression about the travel agent (Mihaela): Foarte atent

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Carolin , Calimanesti Caciulata

Lavinia 02/25/2025

am primit absolut toate informațiile necesare inainte de plecare totul ok

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Titanic Palace , Hurghada

Camelia 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Forest Nook Complex, Pamporovo

Rodica 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Termal, Baile Felix

IRINA 02/25/2025

Foarte bune.
Impression about the travel agent (Raluca-Teodora): Foarte,foarte mulțumită.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Royal Grand Hotel And Spa, Kavarna

Cosmin 02/25/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Gabi R. 02/25/2025

totul OK. Merg cu directbooking in fiecare concediu
Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): De nota 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Caprioara Spa Wellness Resort, Covasna

Daniel 02/24/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Ensana Aquahouse Hotel ex. Aquahouse Hotel And Spa, St. Konstantin and Elena

PARASCHIV 02/23/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Prestige Hotel And Aquapark, Golden Sands

marilena 02/23/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Iuliana): Multumita

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Sunny Days Palma De Mirette Resort SPA, Hurghada

Alex 02/22/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Belvedere, Predeal