About Basel - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Basel recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Basel, Canton of Basel
Basel is located in the northwest of Switzerland. The city has the border with both France and Germany and represents the heart of a region called Dreiländereck (or the corner of three countries). In addition to the attractions offered to tourists, it can also serve as an entry point to Alsace, the Black Forest or the canton of Basel-Land. The Rhine crosses the city and divides it into two. In the south and west of the Rhine is Grossbasel (Great Basel) with its historical and medieval center. Kleinbasel (or Little Basel), with a vibrant nightlife, is located on the north bank of the Rhine.
Basel means art. Visiting Basel can be a holiday for your vocal chords if you plan to enjoy art quietly in the museums around here. Once a year the city is host to a modern, classical and contemporary art fair. The cultural richness of the city, its museums, archives and antique shops, tourist attractions in Basel, make it a favorable place for a foreigner who wants to take root here.
Basel is the first port in Rhine accessible for large vessels, the last port being Rotterdam in the Netherlands. In the canton of Basel lies the Rhine waterfall from Schaffhausen, a major obstacle to navigation.
Basel | Basel is a city with a very old, medieval center, a carnival that can compete with those of Venice or Rio de Janeiro at any time, and several world-class art museums built by renowned architects such as Renzo Piano, Mario Botta and Herzog & From Meuron
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