About Geneva - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Geneva recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Geneva, Lake Geneva region
Swiss Geneva is a city located in the extreme west of the country, the capital of the canton with the same name.
The population (184,758 inhabitants on 2001 census), is the country's second city (after Zürich) and the first of the French. Geneva is located on the shores of Europe's largest lake, Lake Leman (Lake Geneva).
Located in the Romande the country (the French-speaking), the town is situated on the shores of Lake Leman, the two banks of the Rhone, surrounded by mountains, which they shared with France: Les Voirons Le Saleve, Le Mont Zion, and Vuache Le Jura Mountains.
Lake Leman hosting two rocks dating from the last ice age. One of them was chosen by Guillaume-Henri Dufor as reference for calculating all altitudes in Switzerland.
The small port on Lake Leman offers visitors one of the most beautiful images of Geneva: running water, flowering bays, parks with rare specimens of aquatic flora or fauna. On the lake you will be greeted by a very loud crowd made up of swans, ducks and seagulls, barely waiting to peck the hand. Therefore, if you're planning a ride on the lake is well stocked you properly.
The famous water jet was originally a simple security valve at Coulouvreniere hydraulic plant, making it over the years into a true symbol of Geneva.
Although it has found its place in the port since 1891, becoming a tourist curiosity, it was only in 1951 was equipped with a pumping station 500 l autonomous powering of water per second to 140 m tall, with a speed reaching 200 km / h. Eight projects totaling 9000 watts to illuminate the liquid column is launched by clouds.
In Geneva and Arve rivers flowing Ron Lake Leman. Skip to the lake gathered many banks, large hotels (palaces), watches and jewelry stores.
According to a study published by U.S. consulting firm Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Geneva ranked first (tied with Zurich) in the list of cities with the highest quality of life.
Geneva is a cosmopolitan city with a self-contained world, a world for anyone, apart from the rest of Switzerland. Geneva is also the "center of international meetings," Capital of Peace ", United Nations Headquarters and the organization" Red Cross "- is located west of Lake Geneva, between the Alps and the Jura Mountains.
On 10 September 1898, the port jetty, was assassinated Empress Elizabeth (known as Sissi), wife of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I.
Geneva | Swiss Geneva is a city located in the extreme west of the country, the capital of the canton with the same name.
The population (184,758 inhabitants on 2001 census), is the country's second city (after Zürich) and the first of the French
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